Graphic Design | Film Maker

UI UX designer is a professional who identifies new opportunities to create better user experiences.

Miftakhul Ilmi

About Me

Get to know me deeper!

I graduated from SMK Islam Tanwirul Afkar majoring in Visual Communication Design. Having experience as a multimedia team in making videos, and as a graphic designer, logo design, Ui/Ux design. I am currently studying at UMAHA majoring in Visual Communication Design.

Let's Connect!

Get connected with me on social media. I love making new friends!

My Project

Kemerdekaan Indonesia Ke-74

My initial job at the muhajirin center creatif team.

Cover Sholawatan

My first proposed project at the muhajirin center.

Editing Process

Editing software I use.

Photo of Silluaet

Silluet photo technique


Boat on Calm Water Wintry Mountain Landscape
Mountains in the Clouds Boat on Calm Water
Waves at Sea Yosemite National Park